Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Sunday Prayers - Mar 04,2007

Approaching God
Announcements & A Word of WelcomePrelude, Gathering

Acclamation Lighting of the Lent Menorah (Seven candles for the Last Seven words of Jesus)

Pastor: Jesus answered him, "I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise."
People: O Lord, today we ask You to be with us, for whenever You are here, we are in paradise.
(Lighting of 2 Candles)
Pastor: Jesus, Lord of Life, Healer of the world, come by here this day and bless us. Amen.

First Hymn:
Prayers of Confession
Guide: Almighty Father, who preserves our land, our planet, and our people, we gather together to worship Your Name; we come before You as seekers of Your Truth and followers of Your Way.
People: Lord of All Being, who sustains Time and shapes History, we humbly bow in Your presence and we dearly worship Your glorious Name.
Guide: Gracious God, we confess to yielding to temptation; we acknowledge that our souls have been contaminated with pride and greed, lust and lucre.
People: Everlasting Father, we grieve all our sins, for they have offended You; we regret the mistakes we have made, the promises we have broken, and the hurts we have caused. Forgive our selfish and foolish ways. Hear us now as we silently ask for mercy.


Guide: Sovereign Lord, forgive us for the thorns of faithlessness that have wounded Your Son Jesus. Pardon us for the pain that our pride has caused Him, and for the scars that our sins have sustained upon Him.
People: For we know that without Jesus, we would have no everlasting joy; without His sacrifice, we would be punished forever. In His Name we confess and through His words, we continue to pray, saying "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD'S PRAYER” debts/debtors (Isaiah 32:13)

Promise of the Gospel:
Guide: Christ opens our eyes to the severity of our sins. By giving His life for us, He shows us how seriously God deals with our selfish and deceitful mistakes. But He also opens the gates of eternal freedom to those who come to Him sincerely seeking forgiveness, peace, and love. By the power of His blood, we receive mercy and are restored to God’s favor. Therefore, in Christ’s Name, let us rejoice and pray. Amen.

(John 9:10)Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God
Prayers for Health and Healing

Leader: O God, do not reject our prayers or afflict us with pain. Make peace with us and restore us to Your love.
People: Our lives have been disturbed with disease and impounded with illness. Heal our broken bodies and mend our crushed spirits.
Leader: In times like these, we need Your blessing. Throughout our troubles, we need Your peace.
People: In the midst of our fears, be our strength. Help us and all our loved ones to recover strength, to regain health, and to renew our hope.
Leader: Save us from sickness and help us with Your infinite power. Deliver us from distress and despair, through the blessing of Your healing love.
People: Speak softly to our souls as we lift up our personal prayers for healing on behalf of ourselves and all our loved ones.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Leader: With God, we will regain our strength. He will vanquish our fears and uplift our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 60)

Singing of '"Jesus Draw Me Close." (Choir leads this)

Prayer of Illumination:
Reader: Holy Spirit, lift up our hearts and help us to see the real Jesus in the midst of these scriptures. Reveal to us His teaching for our lives, and help us to apply what we learn from Him today. In Christ’s Sacred Name, we pray. Amen. (Acts 7:55)

Scripture Readings & Sermon & The Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory
Dedication: Lord Jesus, You take us from the dust of the earth and make us into eternal beings of God’s grace. We can never repay our debt to You, but as a means of showing our gratitude, we bring before You our tithes and gifts. Take this offering and bless it for the holy work of the Gospel. In Your precious Name, we give and pray. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15:48)


Closing Hymn:

Benediction: May Christ’s glory challenge and change our ways; may the Father’s incomparable love inspire and encourage our choices; and may the Holy Spirit lead us each day to worship and glorify the One, Triune and Living God, both now and forevermore. Amen. (2 Corinthians 3:10)

Doxology May God's Blessing & Postlude

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Sunday Prayers 25 Feb 2007

Approaching God

Announcements & A Word of WelcomePrelude, Gathering

Lighting of the Lent Menorah (Seven candles for the Last Seven words of Jesus)

Pastor: Jesus said, "Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing."
People: O Lord, forgive our foolish and ignorant ways; pardon our stupid and selfish sins.
(Lighting of Candle)
Pastor: Jesus, Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy upon us. Amen.

First Hymn:

Prayers of Confession
Guide: Eternal Lord of Life, in whose sacred house we humbly pray, we revere Your Holy Name and adore Your mighty deeds.
People: Heavenly Father, whose blessings sustain our lives, we acknowledge Your authority over all creation and we seek to please You with our praise.

Guide: Merciful God, we confess to being sinful and selfish, proud and arrogant, evasive and deceitful. We all have sinned and fall short of Your glory.
People: Gracious Lord, we admit to faithless ways and foolish choices. We have hurt others with our words and misdeeds; we have disappointed You with our mistakes and decisions. Hear us now as we confess our sins and seek Your Son’s forgiveness.


Guide: Everlasting Majesty, You have given Jesus as our Savior and want us to look to Him for absolution. Only He can return us to Your pleasant ways; only He can make our spirits fruitful for Your Kingdom.
People: Our prayers are given in Christ’s Name and through His own holy words, we continue to pray, saying, "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD'S PRAYER” debts/debtors
(Isaiah 32:12)

Promise of the Gospel:
Guide: Jesus claims us as His followers and disciples. We become His servants when we humble ourselves and submit to His authority. He has heard our confessions and has applied His grace. We are forgiven of our past and restored to God’s glorious future for our souls. In Christ’s Name, let us rejoice and pray. Amen. (John 9:9)

Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Leader: Deliver us from our fears, O God; protect us from those things which deeply trouble us.
People: We are frail, O Lord, and vulnerable to attacks on our bodies, in our minds, within our hearts. Arise to help us; look upon our plight!
Leader: O LORD God Almighty, the God of our people, defend us from illness and disease; deliver us from sickness and pain.
People: Loving Lord, become our Strength; as we seek Your favor and blessing, be our Great Healer.
Leader: Go before us, O God, heal us and all our loved ones; restore our health and enable our loved ones to recover.
People: May we know of Your strength and praise You for all of Your love, for You are our fortress, our refuge in times of trouble.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Leader: O God, our Strength, we sing praises to You; O Lord, You are our stronghold, our loving God. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 59)

Singing of '"Jesus Draw Me Close." (Choir leads this)

Prayer of Illumination:
Reader: Holy Spirit, challenge our lives with these words of scriptures. Confront us with Christ’s words and reshape our lifestyle choices by enabling us to accept Jesus’ teaching. In His Holy Name, we pray. Amen. (Acts 7:54)

Scripture Readings & Sermon & The Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication: Lord Jesus, You were sent from heaven to redeem our lives. We can never repay the eternal debt that we owe You. We express our gratitude to You through the offering of our tithes and gifts. Take them and bless them for Your work in this church and throughout the community. In Your Holy Name, we give and pray. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15:47)

Closing Hymn:

Benediction: May Christ keep us devoted to His work; may the father’s glory be reflected in our daily deeds; and may the Holy Spirit continue to direct and influence our lives, so that we may forever praise the One, Triune and Living God, both now and forevermore. Amen. (2 Corinthians 3:9)

Doxology May God's Blessing & Postlude

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Sunday Feb 18, 2007

Approaching God
Announcements & A Word of Welcome

Prelude, Gathering

Acclamation (based on words from Psalm 140)

Pastor: O Sovereign Lord, our strong deliverer, we dedicate this time of worship to You.
People: We know that the Lord secures justice for the poor and upholds the cause of the needy.
Pastor: We will praise Your Name forever. We will seek to please You with our lives. Amen.

First Hymn:

Prayers of Confession

Guide: Everlasting God, whose power upholds our lives and whose word sustains the universe, we worship You majestic ways and adore Your mighty deeds .
People: Loving Lord, You have called us to this house of prayer and we are hoping to receive Your peace. Come among us and bless our worship; be present in our hearts and minds.

Guide: Heavenly Father, we confess our complacency towards our faith. We admit to moments of doubt and times of temptation. We have surrendered to our desires and wants; we have been overcome by sinful and selfish ways.
People: Gracious God, we shudder to think how often we have offended You. We have placed our security in our own passions, power, and possessions. We have allowed greed, pride, and anger to overrule our hearts and damage our souls. Hear us now as we personally seek forgiveness by silently confessing to You alone.


Guide: Almighty Lord, we are guilty of sin and fall short of Your standards. We look to Jesus as our Savior and seek His mercy. He alone has the power to forgive our past mistakes; we place our lives and souls in His hands.
People: We make our confessions in Christ’s Name and with His sacred words, we continue to pray, saying, “Our Father, saying, "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD'S PRAYER” debts/debtors (Isaiah 32:11)

Promise of the Gospel:
Guide: Jesus challenges our ways and changes our lives. When we ask for mercy and beg His forgiveness, He redeems us by His grace and restores us through His blood. In Christ’s Name, let us rejoice and pray. Amen. (John 9:8)

Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor: Have mercy upon us, O God, have mercy upon us, for in You our souls take refuge.
People: We cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills the purposes of our lives.

Pastor: Loving Lord, send forth Your mercy from heaven; release us from our fears through the power of Your faithful love.
People: In the midst of our anxieties and troubles, grant us peace. From the discomfort of our illnesses and the suffering we endure, heal us, O Lord.

Pastor: Let Your goodness and grace, greatness and glory be experienced in our lives and of all our loved ones as we seek healing from all that harms us in body, mind, heart and spirit.
People: Deliver us, and all whom we pray for, from distress, disease and despair. Hear us now as we silently pray.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor: Great is Your love, O Lord, reaching from the farthest heavens into the very substance of our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 57)

Singing of '"Jesus Draw Me Close." (Choir leads this)

Prayer of Illumination:
Reader: Holy Spirit, help us to put into effect all of the lessons we learn from these scriptures today. Grant us open hearts and minds to Christ’s words and may we continually obey His teaching. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen. (Acts 7:53)

Scripture Readings & Sermon & The Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication: Lord Jesus, fill our hearts with the joy of cheerful giving. Move our spirits so that we may best support Your work. Take our tithes and gifts, and use them for the preaching of the Gospel, the teaching of Your truth, and the healing of Your people. In Your Holy Name, we give and pray. Amen. (1 Corinthians 15:46)

Closing Hymn:

Benediction: May the Son inspire us to do His ministry in this community; may the Father use us as servants of His glorious kingdom; and may the Holy Spirit continually inspire us to worship, praise, and adore the One, triune and Living God, both now and always. Amen. (2 Corinthians 3:7)

Doxology May God's Blessing & Postlude

Monday, February 5, 2007

Sunday 11 February, 2007

Approaching God

Announcements & A Word of Welcome
Prelude, Gathering & Introit

Call to Worship
Leader: We trust in Jesus Christ our Savior, and acknowledge Him as Lord of all and the Head of the Church.
People: Through Him, we believe in one God, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Leader: Then let us worship together the One, Triune and Everlasting God.

First Hymn:

Prayers of Confession
Guide: Eternal God, whose sacred words and almighty ways are revealed to us in the Old and New Testaments, we gather before You as covenanted members of the Church universal.
People: Lord of Life, whose ancient wisdom and gospel teachings uniquely witness to Christ’s authority over all creation, we humbly bow before Your holy throne.

Guide: Gracious God, although we have received many traditions from the Reformed faith and have expressed our beliefs through the confessions of the church, we admit to leading lives that are sometimes inauthentic and unreliable.
People: Loving Lord, we have frequently disregarded Your instructions and have been constantly misled by our vanity. We have deliberately chosen selfish ways, instead of being Your caring people. Hear us now as we personally confess our sins to You alone.

- Silent Confessions -

Guide: Compassionate Creator, Your Word ministers to us through promises of forgiveness and acts of reconciliation. By the obedience of Jesus Christ, we are sacramentally redeemed and graciously restored to Your everlasting favor.
People: We are guided to make these confessions in Christ's Name, and we willingly place ourselves under His continual authority. Together, in Christ’s words, we now pray, "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD"S PRAYER"

Promise of the Gospel:
Guide: Christ governs our souls and disciples us through His abiding Church. He forgives our sins and returns us to God’s friendship and love. He works amongst us, in ministry and mission, through compassion and caring, to subject us to God’s Word and reconcile us to His Spirit. So let us rejoice and be glad for Christ is our Savior, Redeemer and Lord. Amen.

Gloria Patri: Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Children's sermon

Encountering God

Choir Anthem

Prayers for Health and Healing
Leader: O Lord, we seek to faithfully follow You and lovingly help our neighbors.
People: We prayerfully ask for health and healing, reconciliation and recovery for all who are sick and suffering, injured or ill, depressed or diseased in the world.

Leader: We pray for peace of mind to those who are wearied by anxiety and burdened with troubles.
People: We pray for unity of heart, mind, body and soul to those who are stressed and stretched beyond their limits, who are burned out and bruised by separation, isolation, and deprivation.

Leader: We pray for purity and strength, restoration and dignity to those who are afflicted by addiction, despair and misery.
People: Hear our prayers, O Lord and grant us healing, holiness, and wholeness. Hear us now as we silently pray.

Silent Prayers for others and ourselves. A candle is lit.

Leader: May the Lord work through His church and the prayers of His people. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Singing of "Jesus Draw Me Close". (Choir leads this)

Prayer of Illumination: Reader: Holy Spirit, fill our minds, hearts and souls with energy, intelligence, imagination and love as we read these sacred scriptures. May God’s Word inspire, captivate, challenge and change us. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture Readings & Sermon & The Apostles' Creed

Ordination and Installation of Elders

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Lord Jesus, You have faithfully ministered to us through the proclamation of good news and the teaching of God’s Word. You have cared for our people and in response, we gather before You our tithes and gifts. Receive and bless them for the continuing life, work, and mission of Your Church here on earth. In Your Holy name, we give and pray. Amen.

Closing Hymn:

Benediction: May we be active as Christ’s disciples in the world today; may we serve the Father by faithfully working in His church; and may the Holy Spirit keep us showing the love and justice of the One, Triune and Living God to all whom we meet, both now and forever. Amen.

Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; etc & Postlude