Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas Prayer for Our Troops

Almighty and Everlasting God, as we celebrate the birth of Your Son in this world and experience the peace He has to offer us today, we remember our troops at home and abroad who dedicate their lives to protecting our people on this planet.

We are sorry that war is still a part of our lives and that we call upon our young people to risk their lives for us, putting themselves in harm’s way for our freedom. We pray that You will enable us one day to put an end to war and truly experience peace on Earth, so that our Christmas celebrations will be full of joy.

We pray for our troops stationed both here and abroad. We ask that You bless, protect and preserve them wherever they are located. Help us to let them know how much we truly appreciate their service and give us opportunities to care for, encourage, and embrace them.

We pray for their families this Christmas who suffer from separation and distance at this time of year. Surround them with good friends and strong families. Be near to the wives, daughters and mothers, husbands, sons, and fathers who miss their loved ones.

We also remember those who have been wounded in action, who are recovering at home or in Veterans’ hospitals. We pray for their healing, recovery, and tender care. We especially remember those who are permanently injured whether emotionally, mentally, physically, or neurologically. May they be deeply cared for and honorably respected.

We pray for our military leaders and Commander in Chief who need to make tough and unenviable decisions. We pray that You will grant them guidance and discernment to act upon the fresh challenges to peace that occur around the world.

Finally, we pray for those service families who have an empty chair at their Christmas tables that will never be filled. In the midst of their loss, surround them with caring friends and loving people. Let the real sacrifices that they have made, and still sadly experience, be humbly honored and deeply respected by all of us. May we cherish the freedom that our troops have accomplished through the giving of their lives.

Hear us now as we silently pray for those who serve our nation today and as we quietly remember those who have actively served and sacrificed in the past.

Silence – lighting of red, white & blue candle.

In the Name of the Holy One Who made the Supreme Sacrifice for the world – Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Amen.

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