Monday, July 9, 2012

Sunday Prayers: Ordinary 15B - July 15

Approaching God

Welcome and announcements

Gathering Song

Call to Worship

Youth: Let us worship God in His holy sanctuary; let us praise Him from here to the highest heavens.
People: We adore the Lord for His almighty acts; we exalt His Name for His everlasting greatness.
Youth: Let every creature praise the Lord and let all who gather here give glory to His Kingdom. Amen.

First Hymn

Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Guide:             Lord God of hosts and Ancient of Days, we gather in Your holy house to proclaim Your Name above all names and to worship You as the God of all Creation. Our lives are sustained by Your words of grace; our days are continued through Your sacred power.

People:           Merciful God, sometimes we take You for granted and set Your ways aside. We use life to sustain our pride and fulfill our desires, as well as satisfying our longings and wants. Sadly we waste much of our resources and time on trivial pursuits and unholy matters. At times, we are wayward and unreliable, sinful and selfish, hard hearted and self-centered. Forgive the sins that we commit, and those good deeds that we omit in our lives. Hear us now as we silently pray to You alone.


Guide:              Immortal God, we seek Your Son, Jesus Christ, as our Savior and Lord. He alone can forgive our foolish ways and faithless words. Our salvation depends upon His mercy and grace. There is no other Name under Heaven by which we can be saved. Therefore, we pledge our lives to Christ and place our souls into His hands. With His words, we continue to pray, saying
“Our Father...THE LORD’S PRAYER” (debts/debtors)    

Promise of the Gospel

Guide:              Jesus speaks for us before the throne of God. He intercedes on our behalf, asking for mercy and grace to be applied in our lives. Let us praise Him for opening up our hearts and minds to His ways and words, His valor and victory, both now and forevermore. Amen.

Gloria Patri sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God


 Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:             Endow us with Your healing, O God; strengthen us with Your righteousness. Look upon our loved ones and us with mercy and grace; comfort those of us who are afflicted with pain and grief, fear and worry.
People:           Restore our strength to us, O God, and enable us to recover from all that ails or harms us. Defend us from all illness or injury, any accident or anxiety. Sustain us and overcome our fears.

Pastor:             Lord God, throughout the generations Your loving kindness has endured; grant us the gift of such holy blessings. Refresh our weary spirits and renew our tired souls. Heal us and our loved ones from all that harms us in body, mind, heart, and soul. Hear us now we pray.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor:             O Loving God, may Your righteousness sustain our hopes. May we know of Your healing, both now and forever. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.           
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 72)

Singing of ‘Sanctuary.’

Prayer of Illumination

Reader: Holy Spirit, come down among us and present the Gospel to us. Let the teaching of Christ be proclaimed as we read and hear these sacred scriptures.  In Jesus’ Name, we ask. Amen.

Scripture Readings
The Message & The Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Dedication (unison, led by pastor): Lord Jesus, we fully give ourselves to You and humbly ask that You will accept our lives for Your Kingdom. We also bring our tokens of gratitude and our tithes of faithfulness for Your work in this congregation, and Your labors throughout our community.  Take them and bless them. In Your Holy Name, we give and pray. Amen.

Closing Hymn:

Benediction (unison): May Christ open our hearts to His work in the surrounding community; may the Father lead us to people and places that need us to express and share His love; and may the Holy Spirit inspire us to live out the Gospel, so that others may come and worship the One, Triune, and Living God, both now and forever. Amen.

Doxology May God's Blessing & Postlude