Friday, May 31, 2013

Sunday Prayers - Ordinary 11C - June 16

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Song

Call to Worship

Liturgist:               Gracious Father, today we come into Your Holy House to glorify and praise Your Everlasting Name.
People:                 We are blessed to be called Your people and to proclaim You as our Living God.
Liturgist:               Accept our worship and hear our prayers. In Jesus’ Name, we ask these blessings. Amen.


Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Guide:                  Father God, You worshipped by people in every land on this planet. Today we humbly approach You in prayer and seek to honor Your deeds by rejoicing in Your love. You have called to this sacred place and brought us into Your Holy Presence. We are honored by Your favor and blessed by Your grace.

People:                 Gracious Lord, we confess to thoughtless acts and careless deeds. We have set aside Your ways and followed our selfish aims. At times, we have disregarded Your perfect counsel and made our own sinful decisions. We are guilty of neglect, indifference, pride, and stubbornness. We regret the mistakes that we have made, so we confess our faults to You alone.


Guide:                  Eternal God, thank You for hearing our prayers and forgiving our sins. Through the precious blood of Jesus, Your Holy Son, we have been reclaimed to Your Kingdom and restored to Your Blessing. We make our confessions in Jesus’ Name and through His precious words, we continue to pray, saying,
“Our Father… THE LORD’S PRAYER” (debts/debtors)

Promise of the Gospel:

Guide:                  Jesus, the Chosen One of God, came down from Heaven to give us life. He has the divine right to forgive our sins and the authority to reclaim us for God. In Christ, we have our perfect Savior, so let us glorify and exult His powerful Name, forever and always. Amen.

Gloria Patri (sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

 Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:                 O Living God, hear our personal prayers concerning our afflictions and pain. Let Your peace restore us to Your love. At times, our lives have been troubled with weakness and plagued with illness. Heal our broken bodies and mend our damaged spirits.

People:                 We constantly need Your blessing. Throughout our troubles, we need Your presence. In the midst of our fears, be our strength. Help us and all our loved ones to recover our health, to regain our abilities, and to renew our hope.

Pastor:                 Save us from any sickness and heal us through Your merciful power. Deliver us from distress or despair through Your gracious love. Speak softly to our souls, as we silently bring You our prayers for healing on behalf of ourselves and all our loved ones.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor:                 With God, we will regain our strength. He will vanquish our fears and uplift our hearts. In Jesus’ Name, we thankfully pray. Amen.            (Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 60)

Singing of ‘Sanctuary.’

Prayer for Illumination

Reader:                Holy Spirit, surprise us with the sacred words of Jesus. Enable us to look to Christ for inspiration, hope, and strength. Empower us through the riches of His grace, and the glory of His works. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture Readings

The Message and the Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (in unison, led by pastor):    Lord Jesus, we thank You that God has arranged our lives so that we may serve You at this time, in this place of power and prayer. He wants us to continue Your ministry through the dedication of our lives, as well as the giving of our resources. Bless our tithes and gifts, so that we may honor You through the preaching of the Word, the application of Your teaching, and the glorifying of God’s Name, both now and always. Amen.


Benediction (in unison):               May Christ enhance our spiritual gifts through His infinite grace; may the Father increase our faith by allowing us to share it with others; and may the Holy Spirit cause us to faithfully interpret these times, so that we may live glorifying and praising the One, Triune, and Living God, forever and ever. Amen.

Doxology & Postlude

Monday, May 27, 2013

Sunday Prayers - Ordinary 10C - June 09

Approaching God
Welcome and announcements
Gathering Song
Call to Worship
Liturgist:               Your Word, O LORD, is eternal; it stands firm in the heavens.
People:                 Your faithfulness continues through all generations; You established the Earth, and it endures.
Liturgist:               Your laws remain to this day, and all Life serves Your purposes. Hear us, O Living God, as               we worship and glorify You. Amen.
First Hymn
Prayers of Adoration and Confession

Guide:                  Almighty Father, Who rejoices in our praises and delights in our songs, we applaud Your amazing works and glorify Your astounding deeds. We bring to You our worship and celebrations, our devotions and adorations. We exalt Your Name on high and testify to Your abounding love.
People:                Gracious God, we confess to frequently ignoring Your guidance and sometimes defying Your commands; we express our regret over the sinful things we have thought, said, and done. Today we seek Your forgiveness and compassion; we need Your acceptance and approval; and we yearn for Your favor and pardon. Hear us now as we silently pray.
- Silent Confessions -
Guide:                  O Rock of Israel, You are our Redeemer and the Restorer of our souls. You have given Jesus to us as our Christ, our Savior, and Healer. By Him, our sins are forgiven and in Him, our spirits are united to You. We bring our prayers to You through Him, saying:  "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD'S PRAYER" (debts/debtors)
Promise of the Gospel:
Guide:                  Sin kills our relationship with God and separates us from His favor. Jesus is our truth, way, and life, who leads us back to God and restores us to faithful service in the Everlasting Kingdom. Let us rejoice and glad in the salvation Christ has won for us through His sacrifice, both now and forevermore.  Amen.
Gloria Patri (sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.
Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)
Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:                  The LORD is our light and our salvation-- whom shall we fear? The LORD is the stronghold of our lives-- of what shall we be afraid? In the day of trouble He will keep us safe in His dwelling.

People:                 Hear our voices when we call, O LORD; be merciful to us and answer our prayers for healing. We seek Your grace and mercy, O Lord; heal us of all that harms us. May our families and friends be confident of Your power and care; may they know of Your goodness in their lives. Grant them peace instead of pain, serenity instead of suffering, happiness instead of hopelessness. Hear us now as we silently bring them to You.

 Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor:                  Wait for the LORD; be strong and take heart and wait for the LORD. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.

(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 28)

 Singing of “Sanctuary.”

Prayer of Illumination

Reader:                Holy Spirit, sometimes when we are anxious, we run away from Your goodness and grace. Empower us this day, with Christ’s words, so that we may be strengthened in order to overcome our fears and insecurities. In Jesus' Name, we pray.  Amen.

Scripture Readings

The Message and the Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (in unison – led by pastor): Lord Jesus, at the end of Time, You will offer all of Creation, restored and reconciled, back to Your Father in Heaven. On this holy day, we offer from our resources and labors, the tithes and gifts of our lives, so that You may receive and bless them for the continuing life, work, and ministry of Your church here on Earth. In Your Holy Name, we cheerfully give and pray. Amen. 

Closing Hymn:

Benediction (unison): May Christ keep us free from grief and loss; may the Father make our hearts strong and glad; and may the Holy Spirit strengthen our testimony and widen our witness, to the glory of the One, Triune, and Living God, both now and throughout eternity. Amen.

Doxology and Postlude


Friday, May 24, 2013

Memorial Day Worship: Poem/prayer


I will remember the host
Of men and women
Who paid the cost
For the Freedom I enjoy.

I will remind
The next generations
Of the sacrifice
That previous generations
Gave to preserve our Liberty.

I will recall those still living,
Whose hopes and dreams,
Lives and loves
Were completely altered
By unavoidable war
And selective service.

I will stand with them
And embrace the Stars and Stripes
In my heart and soul,
Feeling strongly connected
To its past, present, and future.

I will honor those
Who selflessly gave of their youth,
And those who are still giving of their lives,
So that I and all others
May have a Freedom worth living,
A Hope worth advancing,
And a Life secured by Liberty.

(c) John Stuart 2013

Monday, May 20, 2013

Trinity Sunday prayers - Pentecost 1 - May 26

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements


Gathering Song

Call to Worship

Liturgist:               Almighty God, at this special time we remember Your blessings and powerful deeds.
People:                 You have sustained us in times of crisis; You have delivered us throughout the years.
Liturgist:               Let us worship the LORD with thankful hearts and grateful praise. Amen.


Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Guide:                  Everlasting Majesty and Lord of all Creation, we lift our hearts and voices to praise Your Holy Name and cheerfully rejoice in Your sacred presence. Throughout the entire Earth, millions of people are blessing and glorifying Your power. Today, we gladly join them in the worship of Your ways and the praising of Your deeds.

People:                 Gracious Father, we know that our lives are imperfect and filled with moments of sinful mistakes. We have been selfish, proud, and faithless; stubborn, greedy, and indifferent; angry, bitter, and spiteful. Heavenly Lord, forgive us when temptation overcomes us and sin overwhelms our hearts. Pardon us for neglecting our responsibilities and casting aside our faith. Hear us now as we silently pray.


Guide:                  Loving God, without Christ’s sacrifice, we would have nothing to restore us to You. We would have no escape from Your wrath, as well as no hope of entering into Your everlasting Kingdom. Humbly and thankfully, we make these prayers in the Name of Jesus, our Only Savior, and in His precious words, we unite our hearts, saying,

“Our Father…THE LORD’S PRAYER (debts/debtors)

Promise of the Gospel:

Guide: Jesus grants us the Bread of Heaven through the love of His Father. By Christ’s wounded body, our broken ways are healed and by His perfect obedience, we are reclaimed for God. Let us cheerfully rejoice, for our sins are completely forgiven, both now and forever. Amen.

Gloria Patri (sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Children’s Sermon

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:                 Have mercy upon us, O God, have mercy upon us, for in You our souls take refuge. We cry out to You as the Most High God, who fulfills the purposes of our lives. Loving Lord, send forth Your mercy from Heaven; release us from our fears through the power presence of Your faithful love.

People:                 In the midst of our anxieties and troubles, grant us peace. From the discomfort of our illnesses and the suffering we endure, heal us, O Lord. Let Your goodness and grace, Your greatness and glory be experienced in our lives and those of our loved ones, as we seek healing from all that harms us in body, mind, heart, and spirit. Hear us now as we silently pray.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor:                 Great is Your love, O Lord, reaching from the farthest heavens into the very substance of our earthly lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.   (Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 57)

Prayer for Illumination

Reader:                Holy Spirit, may we walk through the Scriptures and be led to a beautiful place. May we be filled with wonder and amazement through all that Christ has done in our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture Readings

The Message & the Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory:

Dedication (in unison – led by pastor): Lord Jesus, we all have special gifts and talents, and we each have different resources and treasures. As we combine and gather them before You, may we glorify Your work and continue to enhance Your Name. Take our tithes and gifts; bless them for the life, work, and ministry of this church, which You ask us to undertake, support, and fulfill in Your Holy Name. Amen.


Benediction (in unison):               May Christ keep us united to His body, so that we may accomplish great things in His Name; may the Father sustain us as members of Christ’s church, so that we may honor His Kingdom; and may the Holy Spirit grant us a new vision, so that we may fulfill the purposes of the One, Triune, and Living God in this church and community, both now and always. Amen.

Doxology & Postlude

Monday, May 13, 2013

Pentecost clip art by Stushie

Some of the best clip art for Pentecost can be found on my flickr page. It's unique and specially created by me. If you would like to use it for church bulletins, websites, worship screens or newsletters, please let me know and I'll be delighted to let you have my permission.

You can find most of my Pentecost drawings at the following link:

Thursday, May 2, 2013

Sunday Worship Prayers - Easter 7C - May 12

Approaching God

Welcome & announcements



Call to Worship

Liturgist:               Praise be to the Lord, our Rock, who teaches us His holy ways and leads us in the world.
People:                 The Lord is our loving God and living strength. He is our shield and deliverer.
Liturgist:               Let us worship God, in whom we take refuge. Let us serve Him together as one people before His Holy throne. Amen.

First Hymn

Prayers of Adoration and Confession
Guide: Everlasting Father, in whose presence we exist, we come before You looking for peace and love, as well as for wholeness and strength. We seek security in this sanctuary and acceptance in Your arms. We aim to please You with our praises and delight You with our songs.

People: Almighty Lord, You fully know our hearts and completely understand our minds. You have seen the secrets that make us sick and the sins that cause us shame. When we have gone astray or deliberately defied Your purpose for us, please forgive us. When we have rebelled against Your words and selfishly chosen to make bad choices, please pardon us. Hear us now, as we inwardly confess our sins to You alone.


Guide: Gracious God, we know that we can only find rest and redemption, as well as forgiveness and assurance in Christ Jesus our Lord. Without His mercy, we are lost. Without His grace, we are cast away from You forever. Grant His peace to our hearts and minds, as we unite our spirits with Him, through the praying of His precious words:

“Our Father...THE LORD'S PRAYER” (debts/debtors)     

Promise of the Gospel

Guide: Christ works within us each day to show us God’s ways in the world. By forgiving us of sin, He grants us a new opportunity to begin our lives and to faithfully serve His kingdom. Let us rejoice and be glad, for Jesus is our Savior and we are completely assured of salvation, both now and always. Amen.

Gloria Patri (sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:                 Let us approach the Lord with our prayers and petitions; let us look to Him to fulfill His promises. As we bring to the Lord our worries and burdens, He will listen to our cries and pleas for help.

People:                 We come before God with our requests, remembering His glorious deeds and powerful ways. The Lord graciously hears the prayers of our hearts. He knows and understands all of our anxieties, and all of our cares.

Pastor:                 O Lord, we cherish You and ask for Your mercy. Heal us and all our loved ones. Grant strength and recovery, rest and renewal to those who are weary, ill, and troubled. Listen to our silent prayers, O Lord. Hear the deep and personal petitions from our hearts and souls.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Pastor:                 Praise be to God, who has not rejected our prayers or withheld His love from us. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.       (Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 66)

Singing of '"Sanctuary" (Choir leads this)

Prayer of Illumination

Reader:                Holy Spirit, do not hold our sins against us, but rather open our hearts and minds to Christ’s message that will change us today. Prepare us to accept and apply His words at this holy time and throughout our lives. In Jesus’ Name, we ask. Amen.

Scripture Readings

The Message and the Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (in unison – led by pastor):  Lord Jesus, we live in a material world that is obsessed with possessions. Each week, You give us an opportunity to cast off the chains of greed and avarice, insecurity and selfishness by contributing tithes, gifts, and alms to this congregation. Allow us to be open handed and generous, so that Your work in this church will be supported, augmented, and fulfilled.  In Your Holy Name, we joyfully give and cheerfully pray. Amen.
Closing Hymn

Benediction (unison):    May Christ reveal to us His work every day of our lives; may the Father help us to recognize where we need to be in His Kingdom; and may the Holy Spirit remove all barriers from our hearts, so that we may fully serve the One, Triune, and Living God in this world, and the next. From this time forth and forevermore. Amen.

Doxology and Postlude