Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Sunday prayers - Oct 28

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering & Prelude

Word of Acclamation ( based on Psalm 119:129,130 & 135)

Leader: O Lord, Your statutes are wonderful; therefore we seek to obey them.
People: The meaning of Your Holy words gives us light; it brings us understanding and wisdom.
Leader: Make Your face shine upon Your servants, O God, and teach us Your decrees, for we worship and glorify Your Name.


Confessional Prayer

Guide: LORD Almighty, whose plans are always fulfilled and whose will is never thwarted, we adore and revere You as our True Creator, Heavenly Father and Everlasting God.

People: Gracious Lord, You have called us to this place of prayer and worship, so that we may know Your peace, share Your Words and experience Your Love.

Guide: Loving God, we praise You for being patient with us. We acknowledge Your kindness and compassion. We know that we have sinned against You by allowing pride to determine our actions, fear to diminish our faith, and greed to overcome our charity.

People: Merciful Father, humble us in Your Holy Presence. Enable us to cast off our sinful ways. Forgive our vile mistakes and corrupt decisions, our selfish choices and unworthy deeds. Please hear us now as we personally confess our faults to You.


Guide: Eternal God, You can only save us from ourselves when we place our lives into Christ’s hands. You can only forgive our sins when we humbly confess our mistakes to Jesus, Your Son, who died for our sake.

People: We pray these personal petitions in Christ’s Name, seeking His forgiveness and uniting our spirits with Him, saying, “Our Father, etc.”(Isaiah 23v9)

Promise of the Gospel:

Guide: Jesus receives our prayers and changes our lives. He takes each one of us, despite our weaknesses and failings, and blesses us with forgiveness and faith, salvation and strength. So let us rejoice In God’s grace and be truly thankful, for Jesus is our Savior, Jesus is our Lord. Amen. (John 6v9)

Gloria Patri

Children’s Sermon

Encountering God


Prayers for Health and Healing

Leader: Ascribe to the LORD, all you His people, ascribe to the LORD glory and strength.
People: Ascribe to the LORD the glory due his name; for He is powerful, compassionate and kind.
Leader: We worship the LORD in the splendor of his holiness; in this place of prayer, we seek His healing.
People: The voice of the LORD is powerful; He speaks and we are restored to health, wholeness and happiness.
Leader: The voice of the LORD is majestic; therefore, we humbly call upon Him to heal us of all that harms us.
People: Almighty LORD, be merciful to our family and friends; love them and comfort them. Release them from pain and suffering. Renew their strength and mend their broken bodies, minds, hearts and spirits in Jesus’ Name. Hear us now as we silently pray.

Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Leader: The LORD gives strength to his people; the LORD blesses his people with peace.
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 29)

Prayer for Illumination :

Reader : Holy Spirit, reveal to us God’s message for our lives today through the words of these sacred scriptures. Enable us to seek, find and experience the promises of blessing, guidance and wisdom that emerge from Christ’s life and teaching. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen. (Acts 2:30)

Scripture Readings :

The Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication : Lord Jesus, direct our lives and enable us to freely give our lives to You. Please take these gifts and bless them for the life, work and ministry that You have called our church to undertake and fulfill. Let Your Name be praised through this offering and let Your Word be spread through these resources. For we give and pray in Your Holy Name. Amen. ( 1 Cor 11v17)

Hymn :

Benediction: May Christ set us free from clinging to fear and wallowing in sin; may our Heavenly Father graft us to His Kingdom and grow us in His Love; and may the Holy Spirit enable us to share in God’s work and be nourished by His Everlasting Word, both now and always. Amen. ( Romans 11v17)

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