Monday, October 15, 2012

Sunday Worship Prayers - Ordinary 29B - Oct 21

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Song

Call to Worship

Youth:                   O Lord, deal with us according to Your Love; teach us Your precious decrees.
People:                 We are Your servants; open our hearts and minds so that we may understand Your sacred ways.
Youth:                   Come among us, Almighty Lord, and do Your wonderful deeds, so that we may praise and glorify Your                                   Name forever! Amen.

Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Guide:                  Heavenly Father, we adore and applaud Your mighty works of creation, which remind us of Your majestic Power and inspire us to confidently place our lives into your hands. We have set aside this sacred time and planned our praise and worship to reflect upon Your ways, rejoice in Your deeds, and regenerate our faith in Your Holy Word. You are the One, True and Living God; we are privileged to be Your humble servants.

People:                 Merciful God, we confess to being partial to our own understanding and more apt to follow our own desires. Instead of seeking Your guidance, we cherish our own opinions and ideas. Instead of accepting Your counsel, we furnish our own, which leads us into temptation and causes us to diminish our faith. Forgive us when we offend You by our sinful acts and selfish deeds. Pardon our personal mistakes and foolish choices which taint our souls with greed, pride, envy, hatred, anger, and indifference. Hear us now as we individually confess our sins to You.


Guide:                  Gracious God, our hope is in the Lord and our salvation is in Christ’s hands. By His blood, we are cleansed. By His sacrifice, we are saved. He alone can forgive our past mistakes and restore us to Your Favor.
We make these prayers in Christ’s Name and unite our hearts through Him, saying, “Our Father…THE LORD’S PRAYER”

Promise of the Gospel:

Guide:                  Jesus calls us to be his disciples and we are empowered to speak up for Him. Through faith, we testify to Christ’s power of forgiveness and His sovereignty over all of creation. Therefore we rejoice in Him and express our thanks to Him, by sharing His promises and gospel with all whom we love. In Jesus’ Name, we pray.  Amen.

Gloria Patri

Children’s Sermon


Encountering God

Prayers for Health and Healing

Guide:                  We call upon You, O Lord, the Rock of our salvation. Hear our prayers and grant us peace. Hear our cries for mercy as we call to You for help; listen to our pleas in this holy place of prayer.
People:                 We lift up our hearts to You, Living God, and humbly ask for healing. For You are our strength and shield; our hearts trust in You and we are encouraged.
Guide:                  Lord God, have mercy upon us and all whom we love. Bless us all with healing and strength, wholeness and peace, renewal and hope. For You alone have the power to overcome illness, anxiety, injury and insecurity. Hear us now as we silently pray for all those who are precious to our hearts.

                                Silent Prayers for ourselves and others. A candle is lit

Guide:                  Save all of Your people, Lord, and bless us one by one; be our shepherd and carry us forevermore. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 28)

Singing of Sanctuary

Prayer for Illumination

Reader:                                Holy Spirit, grant confidence to our spirits and deepen our faith through these sacred scriptures. Open our hearts to Christ’s amazing love and enhance our minds with His precious teaching. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.

Scripture Readings                         

The Message

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (unison led by Guide):                           Lord Jesus, our hearts are exposed to You at all times, therefore You know completely what and how we give. We pray that these tokens may be given to You honorably, cheerfully, and faithfully. Grant us the wisdom to use them for the advancement of God’s Kingdom through the preaching of the Gospel, the serving of the Church, and the praising of God’s Name, both now and always. Amen. 


Benediction (unison led by preacher):    May we grow in Christ’s grace each and every day; may we be spiritually fruitful to the glory of our Father in Heaven; and may the Holy Spirit strengthen the foundations of our faith, so that we may confidently share the good news of Jesus with the world, both now and always. Amen. 

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