Tuesday, April 3, 2007

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Service

Maundy Thursday Service


CALL TO WORSHIP: (based on Psalm 81)
Leader: O Lord, help us to heed Your warnings and change our sinful ways.

HYMN: Go to Dark Gethsemane......... No. 97


Guide: Lord Jesus Christ, we confess that there are many times when we do not listen to You, nor do we always follow Your words.
People: Lord, forgive us and help us to change our foolish ways..
Guide: When we are stubborn-hearted and full of pride, when we are self-centered and follow our own sinful longings:
People: Lord, forgive us and help us to mend our broken faith.
Guide: When we refuse to hear Your voice and choose to fulfill our own desires;
People: Lord, forgive us and help us to return to You.
Guide: When we suppress Your voice within our hearts and betray Your love for us;
People: Lord, forgive us and help us humbly accept You.
Guide: When we rebel against Your love and crucify You with our deeds;
People: Lord, forgive us and help us to be Your holy people. Cleanse us from our sins by Your precious blood, and mercifully restore us to Your service; to the glory of Your Name. Amen.

OLD TESTAMENT READING:......... Zecheriah 13:4-9

HYMN: An Upper Room Did Our Lord Prepare.......... No. 94

OLD TESTAMENT READING:.......... Isaiah 65:8-14

HYMN: Were You There?............. No. 102

NEW TESTAMENT READING:............ 2 Timothy 4:14-18

HYMN: Beneath the Cross of Jesus.......... No. 92

NEW TESTAMENT READING:........... Mark 14:22-31

HOMILY: Even if All Fall Away, I will Follow You!


All: Lord Jesus, You sacrificed Your life for us, so there is nothing that we can do or give which will ever be equal to Your precious gift. We gather these tokens and ask that You will bless them for ministry and mission, pastoring and preaching, church planting and faith sharing. In Your Holy Name. Amen.

COMMUNION - At the appropriate time, the congregation shall come forward to receive the bread and wine. After this, the elders will come to those who wish to take communion where they are seated.

Congregational Prayer: God our Father, Your Son Jesus Christ has left to us this meal of bread and wine in which we share His body and His blood. As we keep the feast of His redeeming love may we feed on Him by faith, receive His grace, and find fullness of life: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

HYMN: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross.............. No. 100

NEW TESTAMENT READING:............. Mark 14:32- 46

Congregation Exits Silently

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