Monday, April 21, 2008

Sunday prayers - 6th Sunday of Easter - April 27, 2008

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements

Prelude & Gathering


Confessional Prayer
Guide: Everlasting Father, whose deeds across the generations have sustained our people; whose ways throughout the centuries have enhanced our faith; we worship and adore You forever. Living God, whose purposes are never thwarted and whose plans are always fulfilled, we look to You for favor and blessing, mercy and grace.

People: Immortal Lord, we know that we are weak and human, that our bodies are frail and our minds are constantly distracted. Forgive us when we allow our wants and desires to become sinful and selfish. Deliver us from deceitful and dishonorable deeds; pardon us for making poor choices and persistently opposing Your power over our lives. Hear us now as we silently confess our sins.


Guide: Almighty God, refresh us with Your loving kindness; restore us through Your Holy Son. May Christ claim authority over our lives, by cleansing our souls and renewing our faith in You. For we make our requests by the power of Jesus' Name and in His own holy words, we continue to pray, saying, “Our Father, …” THE LORD’S PRAYER (debt/debtors)

Promise of the Gospel
Guide: Our Lord Jesus placed Himself in harm's way and died upon a lonely Cross, so that we may be forgiven and restored to God's love. We deserve God's punishment for our mistakes, yet Christ shields us from God's wrath and brings us back into His Holy Presence and Everlasting Favor. Let us rejoice and glorify our Savior forever. Amen.

Gloria Patri : Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost.
As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)


Encountering God

Choir Anthem

Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor: Let us come to the Lord with praise and thanksgiving, for He has done marvelous things. The Lord has made His salvation known to us and revealed His righteousness to all our people.
People: May the Lord remember His love for us as we present our petitions; may His faithfulness grant us courage and hope. May we joyfully proclaim God's healing amongst us; may we shout for joy when He answers our prayers.
Pastor: O Lord, please hear our request and reform our lives. Take our sicknesses, and renew our health by Your gracious love. Precious Lord, be near to us and all our loved ones. Heal us from all that harms us in body, mind, heart and spirit. Hear us now as we quietly pray.

Silent Prayers for others and ourselves. A candle is lit

Pastor: Let our hearts resound in faith; let our hopes be realized through God's favor and blessing. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.
(Healing Prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 98)

Singing of ‘Jesus, Draw Me Close’

Prayer for Illumination:
Reader: Holy Spirit, may Christ speak to us through the words of the Gospel. May all that You inspired centuries ago become holy and sacred, meaningful and relevant in each of our lives today. In Jesus' Name. Amen.

Scripture Readings & Sermon & The Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication: Lord Jesus, may we excel in faithfulness, as we give these gifts to build up the church. May we eagerly serve You with our time, talents and tithes, as we contribute our resources, gifts and money to You this day. Bless this offering and guide us to use it wisely for the life, work and ministry of Your Kingdom here on earth. In Your Holy Name, we pray. Amen.


Benediction: May Christ write His ways across our hearts; may the Father teach us to worship reverently; and may the Holy Spirit empower us to confess our faith in the One, Triune and Eternal God, both now and always. Amen.

Doxology Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; etc & Postlude

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