Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Sunday Worship Prayers: Ordinary 28 - October 9

Approaching God


Welcome & Announcements

Gathering Song

Call to Worship

Pastor:            Let us give thanks to the Lord for His goodness and grace.
People:           His love and kingdom endure forever.
Pastor:            He has redeemed and gathered us as His people. Let us worship and praise His name.

First Hymn:
Prayers of Adoration & Confession

Guide:                         Almighty Father and Ruler of all Creation, You have called us to Your House of Prayer and we have gathered in Your Sacred Presence. We have come to honor Your deeds and glorify Your greatness throughout the Earth.
People:           Gracious God, we are wayward in spirit and prone to being proud, selfish, and sinful. We lead lives that are sometimes inconsistent with our faith; we make choices that frequently challenge Your sovereignty. Instead of pursuing Your ways, we follow our own sinful desires. Instead of accepting Your authority, we complain about Your commands. Forgive us for being stubborn and foolish, as well as being rebellious and resentful. Hear us now as we confess our sins.

- Silent Confessions -

Guide:                         Loving Father, we have no Savior except Jesus. We have no hope of forgiveness, except what Christ has given to us. He alone cleanses our past mistakes. He alone restores us to Your favor. We make these prayers and petitions, these pleas and confessions in His name. Through His own words, we now continue to pray, saying, "Our Father, Who art in heaven...THE LORD’S PRAYER" (debts/debtors)

Promise of the Gospel:

Guide:             Christ challenges us to accept His teachings. The scriptures witness to us by revealing Jesus as our Savior and testifying to the fact that He is the Holy Son of God. When we submit our hearts and minds to Him, and place our souls into His hands, He can forgive our mistakes and restore us to God everlasting Kingdom, both now and forever. Amen.

Gloria Patri(sung in unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Children leave for enrichment at conclusion

Encountering God

Choir Anthem

Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:            How good it is to bring our prayers before the Lord; how fitting it is to ask for healing. The Lord builds us up through His grace; He gathers us to ask for His blessings.
People:           The Lord heals the brokenhearted and binds up our wounds. The Lord determines the number of our days and calls us each by name.
Pastor:             Great is our Lord and mighty in power; His understanding of our worries and concerns is complete. O Lord, sustain us and all our loved ones. Cast Your care upon us and heal us from all that harms us in body, mind, heart, and soul. Hear us now as we inwardly pray.

Silent Prayers for others and ourselves. A candle is lit.

Pastor:             We will praise the Lord with thanksgiving. We will be glad and rejoice in Jesus' Name. Amen.
(Healing prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 147)
Singing of “Jesus Draw Me Close”.

Prayer of Illumination:
Reader:           Holy Spirit, confront us with Christ’s words and challenge us to adopt His ways. Diminish our anxieties and fears by replacing them with a greater faith and the total acceptance of His teaching. In Jesus' Name, we pray.  Amen.

Scripture Readings
The Message & The Apostles' Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (unison): Lord Jesus, You bring blessings and order to our daily lives. You grant us peace and unity with God. We gather before You our tithes and offerings, which we ask You to receive and bless for the continuing life, work and purpose of Your church in this community and throughout the world. In Your Holy Name, we give and pray. Amen.

Closing Hymn:

Benediction(unison): May Christ work His goodness through our deeds each day; may the Father sustain our faith and love for His ways; and may the Holy Spirit send us out into the world as messengers and witnesses, as servants and stewards of the One, Triune and Living God, both now and forever Amen.  

Doxology         Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; etc & Postlude

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