Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Sunday worship prayers - Ordinary 16C - July 21

Approaching God

Welcome and announcements

Prelude & Gathering song

Call to Worship
Liturgist:                      Let us come before God to cheerfully praise His wonderful ways!
People:                        How amazing is our God, the Lord of the Universe and Creator of Life.
Liturgist:                      Let us sing our songs of salvation to God; let us rejoice in our King forevermore. Amen.


Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Guide:              Almighty God, You are above and beyond all that we can ever humanly imagine. You are perfect and holy, limitless and immortal. Humbly, we bring before You our lives and love, as well as our prayers and petitions. Hear our words and listen to our pleas.
People:            Gracious Lord, we try to live according to Your ways, but we often fail You each day. We attempt to pay attention to Your words, but we frequently get distracted by our own thoughts and desires. Forgive for falling short of all that You expect of us; pardon us for making selfish choices and faithless decisions. Grant us Your mercy and grace, through Your Son Jesus Christ. Hear us now as we silently make our confessions to You.

- Silent Confessions -

Guide:              Loving God, it is only through the sacrifice of Your Son that we can be saved. He is our Mighty Redeemer and the Only One who can restore us to Your blessing and favor. We gratefully acknowledge our eternal debt to Him and we continue to pray in His own words, saying: “Our Father…THE LORD’S PRAYER” (debts/debtors)

Promise of the Gospel
Guide:              Jesus came among us to show us how to live our lives as Kingdom People. He perfectly obeyed God and completely gave His life for our salvation. He is our everlasting Savior and glorious Lord, so let us worship and praise Him forever. Amen.

Gloria Patri (sung – unison): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God

Choir Anthem

Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:             Our confidence remains in You, O God, for You uplift our spirits in times of personal need and moments of anxiety and concern.
People:            We will continue to praise Your healing ways among us, for Your love sustains us, casting away our fears.

Pastor:             O Living Lord, You are proclaimed throughout the Earth as Life Bringer and Compassionate Creator. We appeal to Your loving kindness, asking that You would deliver us and our loved ones from all that harms us in body, mind, heart, and soul.

Silent Prayers for others and ourselves. A candle is lit.

Pastor:             In this sacred place of peace and prayer, God speaks lovingly to our hearts. His mercy and compassion always endure. In Jesus’ Name, we pray. Amen.
(Healing prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 108)

Singing of ‘Sanctuary’

Prayer for Illumination
Reader:            Holy Spirit, let Christ’s words and teachings captivate our hearts and minds. Permit these scriptures to speak to our spirits, so that our faith may be enhanced and our lives may be empowered to witness to the glory and presence of our Everlasting God. Amen.

Scripture Readings

The Message & the Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (unison – led by pastor):              Lord Jesus, You have invited us to be here in church today. You have called us to live thankfully and give generously of our time, talents, and money. Take our tithes and gifts; bless them for the continuing life, work, and mission of Your Church in our community and throughout the world. In Your Sacred Name, we give and pray. Amen.

Closing Hymn

Benediction (Unison):                         May Christ’s protection be always with us each day; may the Father strengthen our faith with His goodness and grace; and may the Holy Spirit keep us devoted to the One, Triune, and Living God, both now and forever. Amen.

Doxology and Postlude

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