Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sunday Prayers - Ordinary 24B - September 13

Approaching God

Welcome & Announcements


Call to Worship
Pastor:                  Let us come into the Lord’s holy presence to worship and glorify His Name.
People:                 We will rejoice in this House of God; we will celebrate our Loving Savior.
Pastor:                  May our prayers and praise be acceptable and pleasing to the Lord. Amen.


Prayer of Adoration and Confession

Guide:                  Eternal Creator and Immortal God, whose power is displayed throughout the universe, we come before You as Your people, servants, and followers, hoping to please You with our words and delight You with our deeds. You fill our lives with blessings, bounty, and beauty. Your words sustain and direct us. Your mercies sanctify and correct us. Your love welcomes and embraces us.

People:                 Sovereign Lord and Sacred Savior, forgive us for allowing our faith to diminish and our sins to multiply. Pardon our foolish ways, our vanity and pride, as well as our selfish choices. When we avoid helping others or discard opportunities to support their needs, correct our neglect, and change our ways. Hear us now as we silently confess our sins to You alone.

- Silent Confessions -

Guide:                  Gracious Lord, we know that only Jesus can restore us to Your joy and reconnect our lives to You. Even though we often yield to temptation and succumb sin, He still redeems and restores us to Your blessing and favor. In Christ's Name, we gratefully pray, saying, “Our Father…THE LORD’S PRAYER” (debts/debtors).

Promise of the Gospel
Guide:                  Christ's teaching came directly from God, so the words of forgiveness that He spoke from the Cross apply to all who seek His mercy and believe in His Name. Therefore, we are glad and will rejoice, for Jesus is the Restorer of our souls, and the Savior of our lives, both now and forevermore. Amen.

Gloria Patri (sung): Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Ghost. As it was in the beginning, is now and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen.

Choir Anthem

Family Sermon (parents and all children, including Elementary school students come forward)

Encountering God

Prayers for Health and Healing

Pastor:                 The Lord personally knows who we are and loves us completely. God blesses all who revere and glorify His Holy Name. May the LORD increase our strength and that of all our loved ones. May we each experience the gracious gifts of encouragement and healing from the Maker of Heaven and Earth.
People:                Everything belongs to You, O LORD; our lives, our loved ones, and our church are in Your hands. Heal us and all our loved ones from everything that harms us in body, mind, heart, and soul. Hear us now as we quietly pray.

Silent Prayers for others and ourselves. A candle is lit.

Pastor:                 We will praise and bless the One, Triune, and Living God, whose compassion conquers our fears and whose faithfulness diminishes our concerns. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.
(Healing prayer based on words & phrases from Psalm 115)

Singing of ‘Sanctuary’

Prayer for Illumination
Reader:                 Holy Spirit, help us to receive what Christ is giving to each of us through these sacred words. Challenge our opinions and ideas; change our wayward lives and selfish ways. In Jesus' Name, we pray. Amen.                  

Scripture Readings

The Message & the Apostles’ Creed

Serving God

Offering & Offertory

Dedication (unison – led by pastor):  Lord Jesus, You are present with us, calming the worries of our hearts and granting peace to our troubled minds. We place these gifts before You, as symbols of our service and tokens of the truth that You proclaim. Take our lives and sanctify them so that we may serve, honor, and worship You every day. In Your Holy Name, we give and pray.  Amen. 

Closing Hymn

Benediction (unison):  May Christ grant us faith and endurance for all that we may face this week; may the Father bless us with encouragement as we seek to fulfill His purpose; and may the Holy Spirit bestow unity, harmony, and peace upon us as we worship, witness, and work to the glory of the One, Triune, and Living God, both now and always.  Amen.

Doxology & Postlude

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