Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Worship service prayers

Maundy Thursday Service


First reading: Mark 14:17-21

Hymn:              #179    God is My Strong Salvation

Prayer of Urgent Confession

Pastor:             Lord Jesus, You see the truth in our lives and know everything about us. We are not worthy of Your grace, nor are we completely faithful to Your ways. On this terrible night, our sins are amplified and our shame is exposed to You. We know that we have betrayed Your beautiful words and trashed Your sacred teaching.
People:                       O Lord, we are proud instead of being humble. As Christians, we are stubborn and foolish, rather than being steadfast and faithful. We disappoint our loved ones and neglect our neighbor’s needs. We fill our hearts and minds with our own inconsequential trivia, instead of Your eternal truths.

Pastor:             Forgive us, Lord Jesus, for giving in to our fears and succumbing to temptation. Pardon us for casting You aside to embrace the world’s attractions. On this night, above all other nights, help us to hold on to Your hope and get us to grasp the grace of God as His Powerful Spirit passes over us. Hear us now as we silently confess our sins.

Time of personal confession and reflective silence

Pastor:              O Son of Man, Redeemer of the world; have mercy upon us miserable sinners. Amen.

2nd Reading:  Mark 14:22-26

Hymn:              #186    Thy Mercy and Thy Truth, O Lord

3rd Reading:   Mark 14:27-31

Choir Anthem:             My Lord is Weeping

4th reading:   Mark 14:32-42

Hymn:              #97      Go To Dark Gethesemane

Homily             On That Night
COMMUNION  - At the appropriate time, the congregation shall come forward to receive the bread and wine.  After this, the elders will come to those who wish to take communion where they are seated.

Prayer of Thanksgiving (unison)      Lord Jesus, Your Holy Spirit has afflicted and convicted us this evening. We know that we have sent You to the Cross because we are sinful creatures. Despite these failures and faults, You still offer us Your grace and God’s peace. Thank You, Lord Jesus, for redeeming our souls and restoring us to God. In Your Holy Name, we gratefully pray. Amen.

Hymn:              #98      O Sacred Head Now Wounded

Final reading: Mark 14:43-50

Congregation Exits Silently

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