Monday, March 29, 2010

Maundy Thursday Tenebrae Communion Service - April 1, 2010

Prelude:  ................................Handbells &Chimes
Call to worship:
You discern my going out and my lying down;
you are familiar with all my ways.
Before a word is on my tongue
you know it completely, O LORD.        Psalm 139:3-4
HYMN:  You Are Before Me, Lord............No. 248 vv1-5

Prayer of Confession:

Guide:             Lord Jesus, as we remember Your betrayal on this sacred night, remind us of the times that we have betrayed You.
People:            When we have disappointed or hurt other people, Lord, forgive us.
Guide:             When we have diminished the power of Your Word through the selfishness of our actions, Lord, forgive us.
People:            When we have made promises that we do not intend to keep, or said something that grieves our loved ones, Lord forgive us.
Guide:             When we have acted rashly and have cast aside those who need our help; when we have been distracted by the world and remain unattracted to Your Spirit, Lord forgive us.
People:            When we have twisted Your words to justify our choices, Lord, forgive us.
Guide:             When we hide our faith or avoid being known as Christians, Lord, have mercy;
People:            Remove our sins with Your precious blood, and graciously restore us to Your service; for Your sake and God’s greater glory.  Amen.
SCRIPTURE READING:                       John 13: 1-11

HYMN:  Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee.............No.310
SCRIPTURE READING:...........................John 13:12-21

SCRIPTURE READING:........................... John 13:22-30
HYMN:  Beneath the Cross of Jesus........................No. 92
SCRIPTURE READING:                             John 13:31-38
HOMILY:        Just Another Passover                                    
All:      Lord Jesus, You willingly lay down Your life so that we may have forgiveness and be restored to God’s everlasting love. Without Your Sacrifice, there would be no grace. Humbly, we bring before You our gifts and ask that You will receive and bless them for the continuing work of the Gospel and Your ministry here on Earth.  In Your Holy Name, we give and pray. Amen.
COMMUNION  - at the appropriate time, the congregation come forward to receive the bread and wine. After this, the elders will come to those who wish to take communion where they are seated.
Congregational Prayer:         God our Father, Your Son Jesus Christ has left to us this meal of bread and wine in which we share His body and His blood. As we keep the feast of His redeeming love may we feed on Him by faith, receive His grace, and find fullness of life: through the same Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.
HYMN:  Go to Dark Gethsemane..........................No. 97
NEW TESTAMENT READING:                   John 14:1-6

Congregation Exits Silently

Other Maundy Thursday services on this site

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